
Hypericum Mysorense

1 Mins read
Medicinal plants have a long history and used to cure various kinds of ailments and infections. The conventional medicine is not yet…

Swertia Chirata

1 Mins read
The global consensus put emphasis on the use of natural plants as mean to counter modern medicine side effects. Not only are…

Tinospora Cordifolia (Giloy)

1 Mins read
Tinospora Cordifolia or provincially called as Giloy is a powerful immune stimulator and an anti-inflammatory agent. A strengthened immune is a reason…

Azadirachta Indica (Neem)

1 Mins read
The instances of recurrent herpes infections have a skyrocket effect on the global scale. The evolution has triggered increased will in the…

Prunella Vulgaris

1 Mins read
Prunella vulgaris when administered into mice and pigs exhibited great positive outcome against herpes infections. Lignin-carbohydrate, a compound found in Prunella vulgaris…